I've been meaning to create a blog for quite some time now...I don't why but the idea of just sharing and venting some thoughts that are in my head, when I don't really voice them out loud, has an appeal to me. I'll try to treat this blog as kind of a journal of what goes through my head. I'm not the strongest writer either, hence the name "Average Jane". I'm average in everything I do. I think some people might be able to relate to that. The only time I don't feel average is when I'm thinking about my purpose in life. I think most people go through life without thinking about it, or have it really clear in their heads. In this case I really think it's either or. Those who don't know/don't care about what they are doing here in this planet. They live their lives seemingly unware of /or go with the flow of what life throws at them, and that's it, they keep going forward, just doing their thing and reacting to things that happen ...